Tuesday, 21 December 2010

At the weekend I went to Derbyshire and took a few pictures of one of my outfits. It isn't very exciting and I would have worn my hat but my cousins kept stealling it and teasing me for wearing granny clothes. Which I really don't mind because I like granny clothes. The dress is from asos, the boots Bertie and the scarf I knitted myself, it is so unbelievably warm but took so long to knit. xxx


♥ Lily said...

Really lovely pictures, your dress is so pretty :) x

ruby said...

ah, I know they are family but don't listen to what anyone says about your dress sense. I love it<3


Claude said...

Awww I love these photos!! Whereabouts in Derbyshire did you go?(just because I live there!! :D)
Merry Christmas!!! I love your blog! xxx

Anonymous said...

Merry xmas, would Love 4 u 2 Follow me:)

Shope and Shore said...

Lovely photo's! I love love love the dress! Love your blog - Im now following!

Hope you can do the same!